'Tis the season for those big juicy globes that bring delight to all and are such a radiant symbol of summer. That's right, I'm talking watermelons. Here's a round up of watermelon uses from elegant to campy.
Watermelon and Feta Salad:
This is one of my favorite recipes. I see it on restaurant menus more and more these days, but I still find it an unexpected pleasure to serve at home. Plus it is easy and doesn't require ANY cooking (which is a great advantage on a hot day).
Watermelon, cut off rind and thinly sliced
Feta, sliced thinly
Olive oil
Black pepper, freshly cracked
Salt, a flaky one is the best like Maldon or Fleur de Sel
Arrange sliced watermelon on individual plates, then place feta slices on top. Drizzle with olive oil, then sprinkle with salt and pepper. Ta-dah!
An Alternative Watermelon Salad:
Watermelon, cut off of rind and thinly sliced
Mint leaves, whole or ripped
Olive oil
Black pepper, freshly cracked
Salt, a flaky one is the best like Maldon or Fleur de Sel
Chili flakes
Arrange sliced watermelon on individual plates and sprinkle with mint. Drizzle with olive oil, then sprinkle with salt and chili flakes.
Watermelon Porcupine:
This whimsy just tickles my fancy because we've had a resident porcupine in my parents' garden for the past two years. She/he waddles out in the late afternoon to fill up on greenery and in the process trims our hedges.
Image via Cutest Food
Vodka Watermelon:
Image via SweetPaul
I've always wanted to try this, but haven't yet. These directions come from Sweet Paul
Large funnel
Cut a hole in the watermelon all the way into the meat. Place the funnel in the hole and pour in the vodka. (He suggests using lime vodka.)
Note: It takes about 2 days for a watermelon to soak up 2 cups of vodka, so do it in the fridge and ahead of time.
Watermelon Polo:
This game is reminiscent of the days of summer camp. It can be played in a pool or at the lake. Grease a watermelon using Vaseline or Crisco. Divide your players into two teams. The objective is to get the slippery watermelon to the "goal" without picking the watermelon up out of the water. (In a pool, the goals would be two opposite walls. In a lake, use two buckets weighed down with rocks to keep them submerged, and set them up about a pool-distance apart from each other.) I promise, this is harder than it sounds.
Note: It takes about 2 days for a watermelon to soak up 2 cups of vodka, so do it in the fridge and ahead of time.
Watermelon Polo:
Image via Goaupairsouthcentralnj
Image via Crazy As A Cool Fox